“There are many things in your heart you can never tell to another person. They are you, your private joys and sorrows, and you can never tell them. You cheapen yourself, the inside of yourself, when you tell them.” -- Greta Garbo

Tuesday, June 1, 2010



Bleh. I feel awful. Right now, if I had to choose between looking at my thighs or stabbing myself in the eye with a meat cleaver, I would choose the latter. Yesterday I consumed about 900 calories, today I've had 580. I'm planning on not eating again today, so fingers crossed. I have to work today, though, so I don't know exactly how that'll go now that I'm restricting again.

I work at a nice restaurant, so I'm sure seeing food everywhere will be fun. I'm a hostess, so it's not like I'm handling food, but still. I hate my job. I'm just not suited to customer service. I'm socially retarded and I fail at being friendly. My personality is the critical, observer type -- not the participator type. Blah, whatevs. I have car insurance to pay for, and I've been thinking about saving up money to get an apartment.

Still living with my parents sucks. I'm only 19, so it's not a big deal, but I still would like to get eff out of here. Getting more independence and all that. Getting away from drama. I just want to be sure that when I do move out, I can afford to. I think it's stupid how some people get apartments but have their parents pay the rent. It's like, way to be a selfish asshole. You're just as dependent as you were before, so why don't you just save your parents the money and live at home? Bleh, one of the many reasons I dislike my brother and my mother's fiance's kids.

Yeah. Found my thinspo folders. May update them later.

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